Delta County, Colorado

Delta County is the county of our base operations.  It’s is located within what we call the Western Slope of Colorado.  It is nestled up to the base of the largest flat-top mountain in the world called… The Grand Mesa.  This county is made up of diverse enthusiasts from agriculture, motorsports, hunting and fishing, to the arts and humanities.   The communities that make up the county are Austin, Cedaredge, Crawford, Delta, Eckert, Hotchkiss, Orchard City and Paonia.

We maintain yards throughout the county.  From starting up sprinkler systems in the spring, to weekly mowing of yards throughout the summer, to fall clean-ups towards the end of the year, we take pride in doing our best to provide you with outstanding services. 

We've done a lot in Delta County, Colorado. Check some out....

Photo of a boulder we fixed at 1500 Hwy 92, Delta 81416 - Safeway

Fixing boulders after Semi-Trucks drag them down the road..... That's What We Do!

Picture of pruning Trees at Safeway 1500 Hwy 92 - Delta Colorado 81416

We like it when the trees look good at Safeway in Delta.

It is starting to take shape

More Walls for the Shop!

Replacing a warped impellar

Yep, we think it ran dry and warped the impeller

Wow!  This one has really grown in

Picture of gas station while we prune trees at Safeway

Pruning trees ..... so YOU can get gas!

Installation of a Febco 765 PVB coming out of the crawl space.

Isn't it pretty?  Maybe not, but to us.... that's a nice install!  That's what we do!

Photo of us fixing a boulder at 1500 Hwy 92, Delta 81416 - Safeway

Yep!  We really love our equipment!

Picture of pruning more trees at Safeway 1500 Hwy 92 - Delta Colorado 81416

Thinking of tacos, as we prune a couple of trees!

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Our goal is to professionally help our customers...

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